Love 9 Low Calorie Snacks


Finding snacks that are not full of sugar, salt, or preservatives is a challenge, especially for a busy lifestyle.  So preparation ahead of time is the key..  Thinking ahead to have items in your fridge that you can prepare ahead, put in a plastic container and take to work or on the run, and then you are not tempted to reach for something that is full of Calories… we have found these lovely snacks for you to enjoy.

Ask anyone who has trouble resisting the call of the vending machine come 4pm—snacks can be the downfall of an otherwise solid nutrition plan. Not only can they blow your calorie count way out, processed sugary snacks inspire cravings for, well, a lot more sugary snacks. (We can’t be the only ones who’ve polished off an entire packet of Tim Tams in one sitting… can we?) For healthy alternatives that’ll take the edge off your appetite without trashing it completely, we’ve compiled a list of work-friendly snacks that weigh in at under 100 calories per serving. Keep scrolling for a list of surprisingly low-calorie foods!

9 Surprising Foods That Are Super Low in Calories

Author: voiceonbeauty

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