The Power Of Healing Music With Wholetones



I have been passionate about Natural Skin Care, Toxin Free Cosmetics and Natural Health for a long time, and along the way my quest has been to find Products and Natural Solutions to every day issues that I can share with my customers and followers – and during this search I found Wholetones and I am  excited to share these with you!

Living in Christchurch New Zealand and having experienced the devastation of Major Earthquakes back in 2010 and subsequent 14,741 quakes and continuing aftershocks, plus the damage and upheaval to our city – which is still ongoing today.  Everyone was living in very stressful situations which took it’s toll, on the body and the mind.

This is when I came across Wholetones  Healing Frequency Music  by renowned musician, author and speaker Michael S. Tyrrel. These 7 amazing Musical Tones that are found to RELIEVE STRESS.. PROMOTE HEALING, BREAK NEGATIVE CYCLES AND RESTORE SOUND SLEEP IN MINUTES …   wholetones-product

O.K. how does this work you are probably thinking???  Before I tell you how – let me tell you it does!  We have a CD player set up in our bedroom and every night play one one the tunes as going to sleep.  I never hear the end of the track!!  It works like a charm, relaxes the body – and the mind – stops working the brain from working overtime and you just slip into a restful sleep.

All the stresses just seem to fade away,  we have two beautiful little Bichon Puppies, Bella and Cindy (who sleep on our bed – yes, I know, spoilt rotten!).   When we received the Wholetones  Music the ground was still shaking so badly, the puppies were traumatized, it calmed them right down and they have continued to have a beautiful restful sleep –  You can use this music during the day – everyday choose the track depending on what you need help with!


The benefit of these beautiful tunes are not only for a restful sleep, but you can choose the track for specific healing for you.

THE MANmichael-tyrrell

Michael Tyrrell is the man behind the Wholetones music project. When I received the CD’s and the music – and then went searching for all the videos he has featured in.  Plus reading a lot about him – which, you can find online.  I came to the opinion he is a unique human being, and I am proud to be able to share his talent with you and encourage you to share what you experience with others, when you have your own Wholetones music to make such a difference in your life.

Perhaps you don’t see yourself a particularly religious, that is not an issue – don’t let this cloud your opinion of what these beautiful melodies can do for you.

The 7 Secret Frequencies Uncovered in the Music of King David…and the People Convinced of its Incredible Healing Effects…


What if I told you that you could have the power to heal yourself and your loved ones with the gift of music…

Without dangerous drugs…without expensive (and dangerous) surgeries…and absolutely without spending your life in a hospital!

Would that be okay with you?

Great! Because here’s a synopsis of today’s safest, most powerful, and creative modality of health that you’ve ever seen.

Simply by listening daily to this music you could…

1. Wipe out your unhealthy fears, drop feelings of guilt and shame, and show you how you can help restore your liver, brain, and kidney functions…(TONES  1, 396Hz)

2. Remove the recurring, negative cycles in your life like procrastination, addiction, and junk food…watch as sluggishness and lethargy disappear and productivity and creativity increase…enhance your digestion, ease stomach issues, balance your metabolism, and erase headaches and lower back pain…(TONES 2, 417Hz)

3. Discover the Master Key that precipitates all other frequencies. You’ll feel soothed by its multiple health benefits as you’re tenderly enveloped in peace. This is the very same frequency David used to soothe King Saul’s depression…(TONES  3, 444Hz )

4. Hear the most curious frequency of all… it has the power to relax you… transform your stress into peaceful bliss. Creating the ideal environment for your body to repair hormonal imbalances, ease muscle tension, and release troubles of circulation… (TONES 4, 528Hz)

5. Enjoy the fostering of peace and forgiveness in all your relationships. Also known to positively affect the endocrine system – particularly gall bladder and adrenal issues…(TONES 5, 639Hz)

6. Gain a keen awareness of your very own spirit in this powerful yet delicately performed miracle of healing. Experience deep spiritual and emotional healing while cleansing your immune system of common infections. Super-charge your circulatory system to support your healthy heart and blood flow…(TONES 6, 741Hz)

7. Revel in the frequency that celebrates the King of Kings. Purely spiritual – connect in the worship of God, His love for humankind, and His return to those who await Him…(TONES 7, 852Hz)

To hear a sample of these amazing tunes please click below 

You have the choice of Hard Copy CD’s or Downloadable Version depending on the package you purchase.

  Plus, when you visit the link below  – you will be able hear more samples of these beautiful tunes and how they can be beneficial to you and your health.






Author: voiceonbeauty

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