The Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair


I love coconut oil, and have posted about it before, we use it for heaps of uses round the home as well as for beauty.  For Cooking, Oil pulling for healthy teeth and gums, I put a teaspoon on my puppies dinner to keep them healthy and skin in top condition.   For Massage just add some essential oil drops of your favorite – mine is Jasmine.  For applying to skin especially legs to stop dry skin, and you can also massage into your scalp and hair –  we have found some additional tips for you so please scroll down ..


coconut oil for hair

Women with curly and straight hair alike swoon over this highly saturated, fatty oil.

Lauric acid is the major fatty acid with 45-53% of the oil’s composition. (Fabian, D. 2015). Coconut oil possesses a plethora of health benefits with nearly 4,000 years of documented historical use of the fruit as a food and a pharmaceutical asset. Tropics and subtropics are the natural habitats of the plant and the coconut is a plant that favorably grows on the shorelines and prospers on sandy soils. The coconut is actually a drupe and not a nut. A drupe consists of three layers the exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp with the mesocarp containing a coir (seed fiber).

Read more: You Need These Good Fats for Healthy Hair

Benefits of coconut oil

Lauric acid is the big winner in the benefits of the coconut. It is one of the good fats that comprises about 50% of coconut oil and is a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in Mother’s milk that supports a healthy metabolism and has anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial health-protecting properties. It is more easily absorbed by the body and are a source of dietary energy. Lauric acid has the strongest antimicrobial activity among all saturated fatty acids against gram-positive bacteria and some viruses and fungi. (Fabian, D. 2015).

Read more: What You Need to Know About Antibacterial, Antioxidants, Antifungal, and Anti-inflammatory Oils

Coconut oil also has capric acid, caprylic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, phenolic acid, vitmain E, vitamin K, and iron. It is great for skin care and is a highly effective moisturizers especially for dry skin sufferers. It delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin and treats various skin problems like dermatitis, eczema, and even psoriasis. It helps with high cholesterol, digestion, immune boosting, and even weight loss as it increases the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more energy.

For more valuable information please visit source below 


Thank you to Sabrina Perkins for this valuable information

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Author: voiceonbeauty

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